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It takes a certain kind of pony to become a personal servant to the princesses. One must have patience, grace, a clever head, and be a problem solver.

Dapper Dash is one such pony.

Although skeptical about the idea of having a personal butler, Dapper Dash soon proves he is anything but an ordinary butler. While most ponies would be rattled or nervous around Celestia and Luna, he seems to be calm, and even managing to keep up with them.

He's a true gentlecolt, and not only that, he is quite the learned stallion, impressing even princesses. Clearly he is more than than he seems, but not much is known about him. With the drama around the palace it may be good to have an ally that can think on his hooves.

After all, a butler is there to make life easier for their charges.

Big thanks to Hoodwinked MCShelster for the amazing cover art! Really love how it turned out! ^^

Chapters (12)

Warning: The following story is currently unedited and contains dark humor, an odd set up for a practical joke among immortal Princesses, whom one of them will no doubt go crazy, random things before she thinks she "kicks the bucket."

It just might be the most ingenious prank that Princess Luna has ever conceived. A simple one at that. All she had to do was to bribe her sister's most trusted doctor to tell her that she's dying. With only about a week left, Celestia then decides that she will spend her last eight days doing the crazy, immature, random and funniest things that she could think of while preparing for her own funeral.

Chapters (9)

While escorting Princess Celestia to Saddle Arabia, the Pegasus guard, Captain Lightning Bolt leads the entourage over a short cut in order to get to a very important summit. However, while flying over an unusual storm cloud, Bolt gets struck by lightning and falls through the storm.

In Rome, it's the beginning of Emperor Titus's reign when during a storm, a couple of his citizens came to the palace, dragging the unconscious body of a Pegasus with an interesting mark on his rump.

Once again, a huge thank you to PrinceCelestia for the cover art. As well as to Shadeol for editing this beast.

Chapters (30)

"Magic is the sole science not accepted by scientists because they can't understand it."
-Ehrich Weiss (aka, Harry Houdini).

One night in the city of Manehattan, the magician known as "The Great and Powerful Trixie" has moved on with her new life in her newly successful magic show. It was during this night that a certain Spirit of Chaos was spotted by the Stage Director, but he left mysteriously as he'd appeared.

After the show has been set up for the next night, Trixie walks to her apartment during an unscheduled storm which, passing an empty lot in the city's neighborhoods, lightning struck that spot where a new theater appeared. Holding posters and a sign in lights with a very odd name.

"The Great Harry Houdini: Master of Mystery."

A huge thank you to His Highness, PrinceCelestia for the wonderful cover art. And an equally huge thank you to Shadeol for taking the time to edit this fully.

Chapters (25)

Discord feels like he doesn't have any truly chaotic friends, so Fluttershy encourages him to go find some. Only problem: Equestria is annoyingly low on chaotic individuals who are in the mood for fun.

So he turns his gaze to other universes, to see who he can find. His efforts go horribly, terribly right.

Contains the following chaotic individuals from other franchises: The Mask, Beetlejuice, The Joker, Chara, Bill Cipher, and Tzeentch.

Commissioned by TheDriderPony

-GM, master of CHAOS.

Chapters (8)

Sheogorath. The Prince of Madness. A man who has grown bored with his own world. When he brings his insanity to a land of peace, the Royal Sisters find themselves thrust into his world. A land of perpetual war and chaos. Survival is the least of their problems. If they are to find each other and return home, they must call upon the aid of a hero of prophecy. A hero that is said to rival the power of the sun itself. They must find him and prevent the destruction of two dimensions in the process. Little do they know how mentally unequipped this hero will be for both of them...

(The Dragonborn in this is going to be based on the default Nord look to make the story flow a little better.)

(And just as any author on this site will tell you, be gentle with me, this is my first fic, so there's no guarantee that it will exactly be perfect.)

Chapters (24)

Chrysalis was blasted from Canterlot by Shining’s and Cadance’s love for each other, but she hasn’t lost yet, she still has a secret weapon against them.

A weapon that only an ancient love-sucking being with a keen mind and an army of spies can wield; a deep understanding of the pony’s laws.

So, she arms herself with a business suit, glasses, and a briefcase full of documents, and marches on towards Canterlot.

Featured 4/20/2020, this time was intentional! :pinkiehappy:

Narrated by StraightToThePointStudio: Narration

Reviewed by Javarod: Review

Now translated to russian! by GrandCat

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is having a crisis! A computer crisis to be exact! Right when she’s trying to do a history project too!

So, to solve her problem, she and her friends decide to call the most successful repair shop in town. Quick Fix’s House and Electricity Fixer-Uppers Inc. The answer is simple as that.

Meanwhile, the three most little-minded men in the world, The Three Stooges, are working at the repair shop, and they need money in order to keep themselves going.

So, what happens when you get these two groups of people with some very serious problems together? Well, let’s find out.

Note: This story takes place before the events of “Forgotten Friendship”.

Edited by Norm De Plume on May 24, 2021.

Chapters (6)

Celestia is trapped on Earth.
Not as a human. Not as an alicorn. She's a common horse, an Arabian mare, without her magic, voice, knowledge of the language - not even freedom, forced to work at a riding school.

What can a single Arabian mare do to get back to Equestria from this backwater European country? With only the mind of a princess and a pencil in her teeth, Celestia must find a way home.

[Illustrated] [Alternate Earth] (without Bronies)
Rated Teen for language and some scarce suggestive themes.
Proofreading by AlicornPriest

Polish language version

Chapters (9)

Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.

TV tropes page here:

Thanks to all the people who wrote the page and all the people who gave me a little wakeup call and comment to become aware of that fact! You can't see it, but you guys put a real smile on my face tonight.

Also, recently, extra thanks to RD Dash for giving TBNE a thorough editing. I've updated the fic accordingly (7.11.12)

Chapters (5)